Tuscan Sunshine Pitcher
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Bring a little Italy into someone's world with our Tuscan Sunshine Pitcher, featuring fresh Roses, Sunflowers, Hypericum Berries, Leucodendron, and premium foliage. This beautiful bouquet is sure to put a smile on anyone's face and is the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary gift, or to simply celebrate the beauty of fall. All the colors of fall are captured in our Tuscan Sunshine Pitcher and will add just the right touch of warmth to any home. This burst of colorful flowers will pour on the charm, designed in a glazed ceramic pitcher with a distressed finish and embossed acorn leaves. The keepsake container is FDA-approved and can be used as a keepsake for decor or to serve and store beverages for many years to come.

Tuscan Sunshine Pitcher



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Memphis, Tennessee